The First 1000 Days | Johan Morreau
How important are the first 1000 days of a child’s life?
The most important, according to Dr Johan Morreau, a paediatrician of 30 years who has seen it all.
Gently, yet vehemently he explains how we, as a society, have the capacity to create an environment where every child has the chance to grow up with the ability to achieve their full potential. The true cost to society not doing this is truly sobering.
Dr. Johan Morreau has been a hospital-based paediatrician in Rotorua, New Zealand since 1983. In this time he has also held a range of senior medical leadership roles both nationally and locally.
This experience has enabled him to develop a keen understanding of the relationship between Government policy and delivery of care; and to challenge the current approach to child health and well-being.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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