Why Parenting Styles Matter And The Best Parenting Styles For
Why Parenting Styles Matter – The Best Parenting Styles For Your Kids:
I did not wake up my kids this morning.
I did not get them dressed.
I did not tell them to make their bed.
I did not check their homework.
I did not pack their book bags.
I did not make them lunch.
I did not remind them to be on time for school.
Yet all of them did everything they were supposed to do.
Am I some sort of genius? Absolutely not.
A few years ago I simply decided to adopt a leadership parenting style when I realized it’s the hands-down best way to raise confident, responsible, and successful children.
Forget about being the boss or absolute authority in your house. That doesn’t work long term and only makes your kids hate and fear you.
So unlike more traditional parenting styles where your word is law…
Leadership parenting begins by setting a clear but more generalized framework of rules and expectations for your children.
Discussed and negotiated individual, household and family chores and responsibilities.
Always keeping their commitments.
What is acceptable behavior in various situations.
And constantly striving to do their absolute best in any interest they pursue.
This allows you as the parent to step back, and only provide direction, guidance and support when asked or needed.
Which in turn allows your kids to decide for themselves to develop important values like responsibility, accountability, and self-discipline.
But here’s the catch…
This most effective style of parenting only works if you yourself are also following these rules and providing a positive and direct example at work, at home, and in social settings.
If you don’t strive for excellence in everything you do?
If you don’t take your responsibilities and commitments seriously?
If you don’t try your hardest to be the best version of yourself?
Then you might as well go back to the yelling and screaming.
Because in all my years working with kids and families?
The apple never falls far from the tree.
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