The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast – Ep 51

Parenting is hard enough, what if you have different parenting styles than your husband?

That can make things feel exponentially harder when both of you feel like you’re undoing what the other’s trying to do.

In this episode, I had the honor of chatting with Danielle Bettmann and we dive into:
– What to do when you and your husband have different parenting styles
– Ways to know you’re a parent to a strong-willed child

Positive-Discipline certified parenting coach, Danielle Bettmann, empowers parents to crack the code of their strong-willed child’s personality, meet their deepest core needs to improve their behavior, and find new levels of patience. An early childhood educator, certified teacher and home visitor, Danielle now equips parents from all over over Zoom! Host of the well-loved podcast, Failing Motherhood, she’s passionate about eliminating shame from parents’ vocabulary, reminding them they are the parent their kids need. She is also a mom to two daughters, wife of 13 years to her high-school sweetheart, and an avid fan of sunshine and coffee.

Connect with Danielle!
Failing Motherhood Podcast –
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Website –

And she has gifts for you!
Free Training –
30-minute course on Managing BIG Emotions –

Thank you for listening!

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