Do Parents Need Expert Advice on Parenting
There are a number of factors that has necessitated the involvement of psychologists and other specialists to help parents understand positive parenting practices.
1. The breakdown of Joint Family system: A few decades ago, joint families were the norm, and new parents had the wisdom of generations to guide them in their parenting efforts. With the disintegration of joint families into nuclear families, parents have lost this essential support system.
2. Community support no longer exists: Few decades back when most people resided in villages, the whole community was involved in raising kids. Everyone knew each other in the village and thus the kids were always under the supervision of known and trusted adults. This is no longer the case.
3. Rapid development: The rapid development in technology has led to a number of drastic changes in a short span of time. The short period in which these changes have taken place means that the human brain has had little time to evolve and adapt. This drastically changes the requirements and best-practices to raise healthy children.
Due to the above-mentioned outcomes, psychologists and schools try to plan interventions to help parents navigate the changing paradigm. Parents unarguably have the best interest of the child at heart; however, they may end up using questionable methods due to a lack of knowledge.
The Question Slip is an ICTRC YouTube Series which features Dr. V S Ravindran discussing topics and answering questions raised by participants at the various forums organized under ICTRC Project Paradigm. The series also features question raised by stakeholders through other media.
The Question Slip is part of the Project Paradigm Digital initiative.
The video is an excerpt from the Seminar on Positive Parenting organized in Delhi.
#DrVSR #ICTRC #ProjectParadigm #TheQuestionSlip #Parenting
Disclaimer: All views expressed in the video are based on the professional experience of the speaker. The techniques suggested by the speaker have worked in the past, and are likely to work for most people. If they do not work for some people, or prove counterproductive, the speaker or the organization will not be held liable. The purpose of this video is purely educational, the speaker/organization does not mean to hurt the sentiments of any individual or community, or slander the name of any brand or organization.
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