3 Tips About the Future

Worried about the future? Lots of us are. I hope this helps to bring a little light into your life. From my laptop to yours, HOPELights.


I have been working on this video late at night for a few months, I have probably re-written these simple words at least 100x.

My dream is that if you are somewhere out there, feeling as chilled to the bone as I was so many years ago, that these words would reach right through into your heart and shift your perspective. My goal is to plant in your soul a seed of hope, a seed of kindness… a seed of change. That you see yourself for who you are, and let the light of hope move and guide you – keeping you strong.

So if you know someone out here struggling or stumble across them somewhere in Cyber Space – reach out – provide support and comfort. Take the road less travelled and be all the better for it.
Be HOPEStrong… Make some hope for somebody today.


3 Tips About the Future:
Comforting Words for Parents of Children with Special Needs
Presented by HOPELights, Dawn Grosvenor

About the Future…
Three Comforting Tips We Have Learned.
I am a parent of a child with special needs.
I worry what could happen should anything ever take me far away.
Children grow into teenagers, and then they grow into adults.
What happens if I do not live to the ripe old age of 103?
Who will take care of my angel when I am gone?
“Oh, my dear ones…Take refuge now from those fears that you face.”
Come back to living right now in this very moment, full of warmth and love.
…but my heart is conflicted, so many doors closed – so many countless times.
So sweet, so innocent — this child of mine will grow into an adult…a “Forever Child” with Special Needs.
Who will watch over and protect this gift, which was given to me?
“Dear ones, listen to words of hope…
and use them as your heart compass.”
Tip 1: Everyday you are planting new seeds of hope & kindness that will grow…
into the tallest, strongest trees you have ever known.
What you are planting today will blossom into all kinds of opportunities.
…but those spaces, between seconds, of long days stretching out in front of me
are filled with worry & my heart heavy as the sun sinking down into the sea.
“Dear ones…remember that this moment is really all that we have.”
Tip 2: Life is precious, in an instant our future can always change.
Tell yourself: “Dear one, you have suffered enough. It is now time to breathe.”
…but I don’t feel understood or validated even by those closest to me.
Tip 3: You are not alone. 1 in 8 homes have children with special needs.
The most important thing is to trust, believe, and learn to let your fears go.
Tell Yourself “Dear one, you have had a hard run of it, this is true…
…and you are doing everything you can, and that’s the best anyone could do.”
So guard your hope tightly with the light of your love.
and know the seeds you are planting are more than enough.
I am a parent of a child
with special needs.
I am HOPEStrong.

HOPELight Media | Copyright © 2011

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