Upbringing/Raising children in Islam

Raising righteous Muslim children is a noble and tremendous undertaking. In this lecture, Moulana Abubakr Diwan offers valuable advice and parenting tips to parents and carers.

The lecture covers how to inculcate Islamic manners in children; how to provide them Islamic education; how to raise a child who loves Allah and the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him); how to protect children from negative influences; and how to discipline children when necessary. Listening to this lecture will equip parents and carers with the tools necessary for raising righteous children in today’s age.


00:00 Intro

Top Tip: If you don not have the time to listen to the full lecture then you can listen at a faster speed by clicking on the cogwheel and then playback speed. 1.5x speed means 60min of lecture will take 40min and 2x speed means a lecture of 60min will take 30min to listen.

Series is being held at Dawatal Islam Mosque, Batley

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Jazakallahu khayra

Diwan Media

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