Tips for African parents raising Third Culture Kids

Ongolo Founder, Muloongo Muchelemba, interviewed Dr Mollynn Mugisha-Otim about raising Third Culture Kids (TCK) and ensuring that African children raised abroad maintain their cultural identity. Muloongo is a TCK herself and had a discussion with Mollynn about her experience raising two children who call The Netherlands home.

The discussion also applied to Cross Cultural Kids and highlighted an interesting fact: cultural identity is being eroded in Africa because of urbanisation.

Preserving our African cultural identity was the inspiration for Mollynn to write her latest book, So Said Grandma, which is a collation of 41 proverbs and sayings that her own Grandma would have used to explain different aspects of life.

So Said Grandma is available on Amazon.

NB: Apologies for the technical challenges experienced in the first 10 minutes of the programme which impacted the picture quality.


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