5 Common Challenges for Raising Teenagers
Every marriage and parenting relationship needs a checkup. Especially during a time of crisis. We tend to forget the basics. This message focuses on the 5 common challenges of raising teenagers. We all need a little encouragement especially when it comes to teenagers.
Speaker: Pastor Martin Spoelstra
Series: Family Checkup
Title: 5 Common Challenges for Raising Teenagers
Scripture: Colossians 3:12-17
Establish some clear family policies:
1. We always know where our kids are, what time they will be in, and whom there with. If anything changes, they call.
2. If they call us to come get them, we will, no questions asked.
3. Our kids don’t entertain the opposite sex at our home if an adult is not present.
4. Bedrooms are off-limits for the opposite sex.
5. We don’t leave our kids at home alone to go out of town.
6. We are not afraid to say no.
7. Sunday morning, no matter how tired you are, you attend church.
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